Free Church and Religion Test


The Church Report

  • The Church Report is a national business news magazine that is distributed to over 40,000 senior pastors and Christian leaders from across the United States. In addition to the monthly magazine, The Church Report also offers a companion Web site ( that features a daily news service, employment opportunities, live chats, Web blog and much more.
  • The success of The Church Report is directly related to the editorial product. In each issue, the magazine offers four distinct components: news, interviews, operations information and columns. In every issue, the reader can find columns from some of the most high-profile leaders in the country -- people such as Dr. Robert H. Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral; Dr. Paul Crouch, founder of the Trinity Broadcasting Network; Luis Palau, leading evangelist in the world for children and youth; Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Outreach and former chief counsel to the White House under President Richard Nixon; Dr. Phil McGraw of the Dr. Phil Show; Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries; and Bishop Harry Jackson, MSNBC commentator and founder of the High Impact Coalition, just to name a few. As Christians and politics continue to bolster secular news programs, The Church Report also features the columns of such noted conservative leaders as Jay Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice;
  • Dr. David Stephens, director of the Christian Medical Association; the Rev. Joe Watkins, CNN Crossfire co-host, executive director of the Hill Solutions and former advisor to President George W. Bush; and Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family.

    The Church Report

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